These no-bake chocolate coconut balls are great if you have little time but a big craving for something sweet.
Several nations have their coconut ball recipe, this is how we do it in Hungary:
- 18 oz (510 g) “háztartási” biscuits (plain, sweet biscuits)
- 3,5 oz (100g) sweet butter
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 7 oz (200 g) powdered sugar
- 1 coffeespoon rum aroma
- 1 pack shredded coconut
- canned sour cherry
What I used in America to make these delights (for 4 people):
- Social tea biscuits
- confectioners sugar
- marashino cherrys
- rum extract imitation
- 100% pure cocoa
- Country Crock butter
- unsweetened shredded coconut
The process:
- grind the biscuits in a blender until they are like powder, then mix them with the butter, sugar and cocoa powder
- mix the liquid from the glass of cherrys with the rum aroma
- add the liquid of the cherry to the dry ingredients and work together into a dough
- form balls with the dough (with wet hands), put a cherry in the middle of every ball
- roll the balls in the shredded coconut
- cover and put in the fridge for half an hour, then enjoy! 🙂